A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.

- Winnie the Pooh

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Exciting news (at least for me)

A few months ago I sent in some of my poetry to an editor, and totally forgot about it. Well, the editor sent it to an agent friend of hers, who has talked to a publishing house friend of his...Long story short, they are interested in working with me to get a book published! Totally Awesome!! I am excited, a little nervous, and a lot surprised! Who'da thought that I would ever be a published author?! I have dreamed of this forever!!

Anyway, send good thoughts and prayers my way, if you don't mind. *grinning* Both for success and for calmness! *laughing*

Thanks! Gina


Wizardress said...

This is wonderful and amazing news! Good luck :)

Anonymous said...

Great news. Good luck with this project and getting the book published.

Anonymous said...

What a nice surprise. Good luck to you and your work.