A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.

- Winnie the Pooh

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Some good information

There is a video virus out there that is spreading rapidly. It works by taking you to a fake You Tube site, then asking you to update your Flash Viewer. More info at http //blogulate.com/content/beware-of-the-facebook-video-virus/.

Beware of the Facebook Video Virus
Posted by thinkdj on August 10th, 2008
22 Comments | 9,873 pageviews
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facebook_video_vir.jpgAug 9, 2008 : Facebook Inc has blocked a virus that infected thousands of users’ accounts by presenting itself as a video message. The messages advertised links to videos on Google Video or YouTube sites and those who clicked on the links actually downloaded malicious software.

Users who unknowingly downloaded the virus via the video link were presented with an image of a court jester sticking his tongue out and rolling his eyes.

Although the virus affected less than 0.002 percent of Facebook population, based on its more than 120 million subscribers, that would amount to more than 2,000 people. Facebook disabled access to the links as soon as the information was obtained.

Discussion at Facebook

you’ll receive an e-mail from a friend that claims you’ve been caught on a hidden camera. The message sure looks legitimate, but take note - it isn’t!

It includes a link that leads to a site that looks like YouTube. But if you look carefully, you’ll realize it’s actually a fake YouTube site.

When you click the video to begin, a message pops up and says you first need to download a newer Flash player to play the video.. When the user downloads the so called ‘flash update’.. it is the trojan

More details about the trojan @ SYNC

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