A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.

- Winnie the Pooh

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The All-Knowing Chocolate Oracle...

(posted under duress...)

The Chocolate Oracle Says You're Mellow

You are sweet, mellow, and easily satisfied.

You don't like anything too intense and dramatic.

Deep down, you're a kid at heart... and you're nostalgic for the past.

You are honest and straight forward.

You have a distinct personality, and you make your opinions known.

And while people like that you keep it real, you can come off as judgmental.

You love being by yourself and thinking. Developing your own theories and ideas is fun.

You feel lost when you're forced to be social. Being with other people can be lonely for you.


Maggsworld said...

The chocolate oracle is indeed all knowing.. Maggs

Doug said...

I don't think the last three lines fit :-)