A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.

- Winnie the Pooh

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

*giggling* In My Fortune Cookie...

Men are like fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and it is our job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into something you'd like to have dinner with.


becomingkate said...

I'll have to share this with Bill, lol.
Have a nice afternoon Gina. *hugs*

Dorrie said...

lovely! heehee

Anonymous said...

Now that was one very wise fortune cookie!

Maggsworld said...

Now WHY do I like this one??

Steven M. Vance said...


*scratching inappropriately*



Doug said...

Some of us ain't ever gonna be more than grape juice, Gina :-)