A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.

- Winnie the Pooh

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It has been...

wonderful and exhausting! *laughing* The children are still on German time, so we have been getting up at bird-thirty. My old body doesn't like it! *snickering* I have had to work hard to get Kaitlin to come to me, but bribery and wheedling do work. Just so you know! :oD She calls me 'my nummy Nana' *giggling* I always have a sweet in my pocket for her!

Johnathon is attatched to my hip, and we have read every book he has at least 10 times! I have sung so many songs that I am hoarse! And I am LOVING every moment of it.

I hope all is well with all of you-

ttfn- Gina


becomingkate said...

Sounds lovely!

Steven M. Vance said...

I'm glad this day has finally come. I told you it would, M'Luv!

Maggsworld said...

This post wreathes my world ( at bird thirty aussie time) with smiles. ) Bribery never fails. tee hee. I am delighted for you old nan. Maggs

Doug said...

I am so happy for you, Gina. It finally came true, and all the waiting is in the past.