A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.

- Winnie the Pooh

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My mornings of late...

I awaken to the sounds of birdsong and a singing baby- in a few minutes more the patter of slippered feet alert me that one more is awake, too. "G'morning Nana! Know what I dreamed about? You n' me and a dinosaur singing!..." I nod my head and smile, drinking in the sweet aroma of little boy and my second cup of coffee.

Soon a messy haired imp in feet pajamas appears, snuggly wrapped in her Mama's arms. A sleepy smile and a cheery voice announce to the whole world, "It's Morning Day! It's Morning Day!"

Meg and I share a glance and a smile across our coffee cups. That once empty place where we each missed the other is filled, and heart longings are finally satisfied.

These precious moments are what make home Heaven, uplifting spirit and heart with joy. How blessed are we who love and are loved in return.



Maggsworld said...

it's morning day!! This small post brought me memories and delighted smiles. I am soooooooo hapyp for you my friend. Maggs

Dorrie said...

it's morning day! what a sweet statement! {hugs}

Steven M. Vance said...

I'm so glad this time finally arrived, Luv!

becomingkate said...

Awwww! Enjoy the day! *hugs*

Doug said...

I'll have to remember that, Gina. It sounds like a great greeting for the morning.

Chiaroscuro said...

I know the cuteness of which you speak now firsthand! teehee!